Monday, November 24, 2008

Did He or Didn't He?

It's an age old question. There has never been any definitive evidence to point to an answer. The Bible is silent on the matter. It is never mentioned in any of the four Gospels. Paul never writes about it in any of his letters. Yet, the question has been around for centuries. And I think it's an important one. Did He or didn't He?

Conventional wisdom would say Yes, He did. Of course He did. Jesus was a man with an enormous heart how could He not? He had too much love to keep from pouring it out at least once.

But reason makes a different argument. He was always on the go. Never in one place too long; it would have been impractical. He just never put all His focus on one heart, that was not His way.

Scholars, students, lay people and even cartoonists (e.g. Charles Schultz) have been debating this question forever. I myself have wondered as to what the answer is many times.

Well wonder no more. I have uncovered the proof that should put this debate to rest once and for all. It turns out the painter Sebastiano Ricci somehow discovered the truth and immortalized the answer back in 1720 in his beautiful masterpiece "Last Supper."

See for yourself:

Jesus did indeed have a dog.



ghost November 25, 2008 at 11:36 AM  

the thing is, you feed em once and they follow you around for ever.

Anonymous November 25, 2008 at 5:20 PM  

... And the dog is man's best friend.
No wonder He had one.

Yes, feed them and they'll follow you around for ever and give you unconditional love along the way... Just feed 'em and walk 'em... They don't yell back but just keep on a waggin'... (even if it's a boxer with a little "nub") Don't they?

Soulful November 25, 2008 at 6:09 PM  

That's the best part that makes dogs so great - loyalty and unconditional love.

And dog is God spelled backwards. So I say they have to be connected.

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